Through grassroots advocacy, Gotham Park has convinced the City to reopen over four acres of underutilized public space for our community - and is steadfastly pursuing the vision to increase this footprint to over nine acres stretching from City Hall to the East River. For our efforts, the City has designated our nonprofit the steward of this space - meaning without private funding, all of its potential benefits to Lower Manhattan will disappear.
Your tax-deductible contribution is needed to keep Lower Manhattan's newest public space maintained and activated for the safety and well-being of our community - and to ensure the ultimate design for and improvements to this iconic New York City location serve the needs of our local residents, businesses and community stakeholders.
Gotham Park is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Our EIN is 86-1317846. All donations are tax-deductible as permitted under federal tax law.
Gotham Park site in 2021.
Rendering by Snøhetta for community visioning and engagement.
"There is no more important park project than this one."
- Dan Doctoroff, March 2024
Gotham Park recognizes our Founding Circle Members for their early leadership in supporting our organization's efforts to create a new, legacy public space beneath the Brooklyn Bridge in Lower Manhattan. We are eternally grateful to have these visionary advocates of innovative urban public space with us on this journey.
Master Alchemists
Betty Kay
Jonathan and Elizabeth Lewinsohn
Trinity Church NYC
Natalie and Ed Emerson
Brewster Pettus
The Skatepark Project
The Brosterman Family
Welcome to Chinatown
New York State (NYS Senator Brian Kavanagh)
NYC Green Fund administered by City Parks Foundation
S&P Global
Shiseido Americas
The Wellspring Foundation
Bryan and Meredith Gitomer
Goldman Sachs
HR&A Advisors
Rob Magliaro
Morgan Stanley
NYC Department of Education (Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine)
NYC Department of Aging (Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine)
NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (NYC Council Member Christopher Marte)
Rafael Viñoly Architects
Refuge Arts
Nicolas Rohatyn
Anonymous in memory of Melvin R Seiden
Van Alen Institute
Rosa Chang
Friends of the High Line
Goodwin Law
New York City Economic Development Corporation
Open Squash
Stacy Pollack
The Ryu Family
Elizabeth and Michael Alfano
Big City Tourism Inc.
Naomi Buchman and David Montone
Clark Fitzgerald Continue the Beginning Fund
Mark Gorton and Emily Selter
Nancy Kong
Hugh and Peg MacDonald
Pace University
Michelle Vaughn
We will never share your personal information.
We welcome questions, comments and feedback.
Contribute your skills to bring Gotham Park to life.